Can the hCG Diet Increase Fertility?

Written by Maxine Wright

        After many decades as a practicing Naturopath, Herbalist, Nutritionist and weight loss coach in South East Queensland, Maxine recently sold her clinic and is now enjoying retirement.

April 9, 2015

Can the hCG Diet Increase Fertility?

Being overweight can negatively affect the health of the body in many ways. Women who are overweight and trying to conceive can experience significant difficulties as a result of problems with ovulation, hormone imbalances and other weight-associated health conditions such as poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

Can the hCG Diet Increase Fertility?

Can the hCG Diet Increase Fertility?

On the hCG program, a number of positive nutritional steps are made to assist in the weight loss process, and improve general wellness.  Some of the key components of the program include eliminating processed foods and soft drinks, eating lots of vegetables and some fruit and including small to moderate servings of lean meat.  These nutritional changes can have some incredibly positive effects on the body.

Some of the key benefits of the hCG diet – and weight loss in general – when it comes to fertility are:

  • Helps to balance hormones – therefore helping to regulate your menstrual cycle
  • Improved emotional health – meaning more resilience when it comes to stress
  • Elimination of toxins from the body
  • A drop in cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Less craving for sugar and unhealthy foods
  • Increased libido – one of the essential ingredients!
  • A focus on restoring and healing your body through being hyper-aware of how you are fueling it.

The hCG diet can significantly change the internal chemistry of a woman’s body and help it to become a more suitable environment for conception.

Original article written by Maxine Wright and Liza Brunell.
Maxine Wright, Naturopath, Nutritionist, Herbalist, Weight Loss Coach ANTA Reg. 4226 (Adv Dip Health Sciences)
Liza Brunell, Naturopath (Adv Dip Health Sciences, Natropathy)

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